Kingdom Of Rust Poll

Those of you who have followed the blog since last April may recall I set up a poll to find out your favourite track from Kingdom Of Rust. The poll ended January 1st..

With 730 unique votes, the winner is the title track Kingdom Of Rust by four votes! Closely followed by 10.03 & The Greatest Denier which were seperated by one vote. You can see the results in full below.

87 (11%)
Kingdom Of Rust
140 (19%)
The Outsiders
41 (5%)
Winter Hill
115 (15%)
136 (18%)
The Greatest Denier
135 (18%)
Birds Flew Backwards
17 (2%)
59 (8%)
100 (13%)
House Of Mirrors
42 (5%)
43 (5%)

Votes 730

The new poll once again on the right menu asks what is your favourite doves album. The poll will once again run til the end of the year.

A reminder, if you have not voted in the Your Favourite Doves Songs poll, then please do so. The poll will stay open indefinitely, but I shall post results as they stand once the best of album is released. So far over 1000 of you have voted! Thanks so much.

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