Kingdom Of Rust Poll
Those of you who have followed the blog since last April may recall I set up a poll to find out your favourite track from Kingdom Of Rust. The poll ended January 1st..
87 (11%)
Kingdom Of Rust
140 (19%)
The Outsiders
41 (5%)
Winter Hill
115 (15%)
136 (18%)
The Greatest Denier
135 (18%)
Birds Flew Backwards
17 (2%)
59 (8%)
100 (13%)
House Of Mirrors
42 (5%)
43 (5%)
Votes 730
The new poll once again on the right menu asks what is your favourite doves album. The poll will once again run til the end of the year.
A reminder, if you have not voted in the Your Favourite Doves Songs poll, then please do so. The poll will stay open indefinitely, but I shall post results as they stand once the best of album is released. So far over 1000 of you have voted! Thanks so much.