
Here It Comes

Its the calm before the storm here. Later this week I will posting the results of the poll I set-up last year asking you all to name your top five favourite doves songs. Over 1500 of you have voted so the results will be hard to argue with! Thanks allot. I will be asking you all to vote for your one favourite track from the top 20. The main poll will be staying up indefinitely, but if you want your vote to count towards the top 20 then vote before Wednesday.

Othewise no real news. Though do keep your eye on the official site doves.net tomorrow as I hear there will be some news posted there.

Kingdom Of Rust Poll

Those of you who have followed the blog since last April may recall I set up a poll to find out your favourite track from Kingdom Of Rust. The poll ended January 1st..

With 730 unique votes, the winner is the title track Kingdom Of Rust by four votes! Closely followed by 10.03 & The Greatest Denier which were seperated by one vote. You can see the results in full below.

87 (11%)
Kingdom Of Rust
140 (19%)
The Outsiders
41 (5%)
Winter Hill
115 (15%)
136 (18%)
The Greatest Denier
135 (18%)
Birds Flew Backwards
17 (2%)
59 (8%)
100 (13%)
House Of Mirrors
42 (5%)
43 (5%)

Votes 730

The new poll once again on the right menu asks what is your favourite doves album. The poll will once again run til the end of the year.

A reminder, if you have not voted in the Your Favourite Doves Songs poll, then please do so. The poll will stay open indefinitely, but I shall post results as they stand once the best of album is released. So far over 1000 of you have voted! Thanks so much.

Absolute Radio: Song Of The Decade

Absolute Radio are running a poll to find the song of the decade. 10 doves tracks are in the running. There Goes The Fear is currently number 35. Just do a search at Absolute radio’s Song Of The Decade website for all doves picks. The top 100 will be announced December 11th on the Christian O’Connell show.

Song of the Decade - There Goes The Fear by Doves

Tunes Of The Decade: #28 Pounding

Here’s an article flagged up on the forum, by Richtdev from whatisthegrain.com

Back to the song itself and ‘Pounding’ is a track so good it is embarrassing. Yes it’s simplistic in its chord progression and arrangement, but it’s effective. Yes, it’s deliberately anthemic and hook-filled, but it really does make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and you can’t help but sing along. Yes, it owes more than a little of its origin to erstwhile Mancunian sing-along-an-anthem ‘I Am The Resurrection’ in the strict, unerring 4/4 drum beat and euphoric chorus that provides the sonic and emotional pinnacle for the melody, but ‘Doves’ takes this previous musical generation’s masterpiece and use it in a forward-facing, progressive way. The emotion is not “oh, remember this tune from the good old days” it’s “right, let’s take this musical heritage we’re so blessed with and use it to create something new –something that’s ours.” This rallying cry is expressed overtly in the lyrics as Goodwin almost pleads with the country’s aspiring musicians:

We so down, but it’s now or never baby
We don’t mind, If this don’t last forever
See the light, But it won’t last forever
Seize the time, Cause it’s now or never baby.

To read the full, rather long winded at times article, click here.

Coming soon will be a poll soon you can vote for your favourite doves songs from the entire back catalog, that will run through til the greatest hits album is put out.

White Air Festival

Doves take to the stage at White Air last night

Reaction from the show by twitter user @danielm72

doves fucking rocked but no space face though

@dovesmusicblog started with Jetstream, played several tracks from Kingdon of Rust. Black % White Town. Finished with There goes the fear

@dovesmusicblogI haven’t seen doves for a while & was blown away,as were the crowd. Jimi made mention of how ‘Up for it’ the crowd was .

@dovesmusicblog the atmosphere was electric, and the band were brilliant. Best band in this country, and have been for a long time!

Cheers! If you want to submit a review/photos etc drop me a line at the usual address. I believe that was doves last outdoor UK festival appearance for the year.

How’s Kingdom Of Rust been holding up for you? I gave it a rest for a few months there. Been listening to tons of Kraftwerk of late (readying for The Catalogue.. yes please Santa!) went back to KOR yesterday.. Brilliant stuff, hasn’t left my CD player. Its early days yet, but the signs are good. I was not the biggest fan of Some Cities back in 05, it wasn’t til around late 2007 that I really got it. So we’ll have to wait and see.

Check out the Kingdom Of Rust poll on the right, which is just a couple votes away from 1000! Surprised The Outsiders isn’t up there with 10.03/Winter Hill. The poll is open til the end of the year.

If you are eagerly awaiting the new Cherry Ghost album like myself, check out this video taken at the recent London Borderline gig. The video features a medley of old & new songs. The first track is called Black Fang, quality stuff eh?

Kingdom Of Rust Japanese Pressing

Just a quick note to let you know the Japanese pressing of Kingdom Of Rust is now shipping. Released on Wednesday, this version features the bonus track Push Me On the original mix. Its very expensive as with all Japanese imports. Though some of doves best releases over the past decade have come from Japan.

Don’t forget to vote on the Kingdom Of Rust poll. You are allowed one vote per day. My original choice of 10.03, has since changed to Compulsion. Multiple votes are welcome, so don’t worry if you change your mind a few days later.

Album Poll & Tabs

Check out the new poll on the right. The poll shall stay active until the end of the year. Feel free to answer as often as you like. I’m finding with this album that my favourite track changes almost daily. The results should be interesting viewing at the end of the year. So get voting!

We are considering opening up a guitar tabs section. This will depend largely on reader participation. So if you know your doves guitar tabs and would like to contribute to the section, get in touch. Either leave a comment, or email me at the address listed on the right.