New year's in the city, smacked up on self-pity I took a walk amongst the ghosts and the empties The ghosts of the empties If you'd have opened up my skull that day you'd have found a supermarket's worth of useless junk Among the ghosts and the empties The ghosts and the empties I was hemmed in by the sky it was all I could do to try to last til morning (Ghost and the empties, the ghosts of the empties) Somebody over my shoulder said to open up your soul and let someone in (Ghost of the empties, the ghost of the empties) Eagle and child, eagle and child, mother and baby doing fine Eagle and child, eagle and child, mother and baby doing fine (Ghost of the empties, the ghost of the empties) Open up your soul you said and let someone in Open up your soul you said and let someone in Is it really a year? Since I closed the door on the night before that beggars call when you shivered at dawn