
Whilst at the shows last week. It was great speaking to people who were seeing doves for the first time. I was asked a few times who the keyboard player is, so this new feature of the blog was born. Seasoned doves fans will know the keyboardist is none other than Martin Roman Rebelski. For those of you who don’t know much about doves unofficial fourth member. Check out our new section dedicated to Rebelski, who is a composer and recording artist in his own right.

Visit our Rebelski section here.

You can also check out Rebelski’s myspace page to listen to his music or visit his official website.

1 Response

  1. Brenda Devine says:

    Hi, if you aren’t the person I need to speak to I’m sorry to have bothered you. In 2014 I watched a BBC 4 documentary called ‘Around the world in sixty minutes’ it was excellent. Ever since I have been trying to find out a piece of music that was in a section of the documentary. I think it was about China/Japan, all the plastic and rubbish of the world that collects and ends up on beaches. The music piece is a choir singing it really touches my heart. I’ve only ever heard it twice in the last 10 years. Don’t know what it’s called don’t know who sings it. Can you help please. Brenda Manchester UK

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