Doves are to play Thetford Forest in Suffolk as part of the forestry commission’s gig series on June 12th. Tickets priced £28 go on sale this Friday at 9am.
Doves have announced that they will play a gig in Thetford Forest in Suffolk on June 12.
The show will be part of the Forestry Commission’s forthcoming gig series. James Morrison, Keane and Simply Red have already been announced as set to play gigs in UK forests later this year as part of the whole event.
Tickets for Doves’ show go on sale at 9am (GMT) on Friday (January 15). To check the availability of Doves tickets and get all the latest listings, go to NME.COM/TICKETS now, or call 0871 230 1094.
Happy New Year to you all when it comes! I’m heading down to Nebraska to see in the new year. The blog will return next year.. Sometime next week no doubt.
To all of you who have emailed me over xmas asking about the band’s plans for 2010.. I really don’t know besides they are recording some new tracks for the best of album which will be released probably April/May time. A single will most likely be released to promote the album. I’ve no clue on where they will play, what festivals etc. Got a couple dates confirmed in the live section. As soon as any further info is made public, I will post it up.
NME aired a interview they conducted with Jez before the Leeds Cockpit show last week. Liz was able to scribble down what was said. Some nice info, with regards to plans for next year:
He sounded in good spirits but speaking quite fast and despite my ninja notetaking skillz I can only paraphrase the thing.There was nothing really new, just a few snippets about next year. The interviewer was asking when was the last time they had played the cockpit and Jez said in was in 2000 and he seemed quite surprised it was nearly 10 years ago, he also mentioned that they like playing in small places where you can see the ‘whites of eyes and the sweat drips off the ceiling’!
He was asked about his highlight of 2009 and he said headlining the John Peel tent at Glastonbury, The interviewer then asked about the making of KOR …and it was the usual about how long it had taken, and the different sounds …Sub Sub was mentioned, and how they’d enjoyed picking up keyboards again. Also how they wanted it to sound like a good dj-ing set I think making sure all the tracks fitted together despite all sounding quite different and that it had taken them nearly 3 weeks to decide the order of the album.The last song to go on was Greatest Denier ….there was something here about writing a song specifically to fit in with the others that were already on the album , but I didn’t quite catch it.
There was something about Norman Cook and masks, but again I didn’t quite catch that! They talked about plans for next year and Jez said they were already pencilled in for some festivals in the summer but he wasn’t allowed to say which ones yet, and the compilation album, out in April, which will contain some ‘rarities’ and 3 brand new songs that they will be going into the studio to record in January.
Finally, he asked whether, as they’d been together so long,whether Doves had any Christmas traditions and Jez said they always used to have a Christmas curry, but they hadn’t been for about 3 years, so he might have to ‘reinstate it’. That’s about all I can remember/made notes about …hopefully it’ll be up on their site at some point as it’s a good listen and they played House of Mirrors in the middle of it
Thanks allot Liz! Some nice info there. Here’s hoping the best of is spread over two discs. Disc one with all the favourites and the second featuring all the new stuff/rarities. Though probably wishful thinking?
Another Glasto appearance maybe? Or maybe the V fests they didn’t do this year. Would love to see them do lollapalooza, though I’m pretty biased there!! :)
efestivals report that doves will play the main stage on the Friday night at next year’s Isle of Wight Festival. This falls on June 11th. The weekend of England’s first match versus the USA in the World Cup!
In a rather revealing interview with adelaidenow, Jez let slip some of the band’s plans for next year. He also says he is not sure whether there will be another doves album.
Jez on the possiblity of a new doves album:
I think if there is another Doves album – and we’re not sure at this moment whether there will be or not – we won’t be staring at a blank canvas, but we’ve got some really strong ideas in front of us,” he says.
“It was a very slow process to be honest, and I think we were looking for some kind of direction – but something different for us – we didn’t really know what we were looking for.
“There’s a lot of material lying around – some of it finished and some of it just sparks of ideas. If it’s possible and we get some time when we get back, we’ll start going through it.”
Jez on the band’s plans for 2010..
While this news is disastrous for fans of the band, Williams let slip plans to release a greatest hits of Doves early next year, which will include two new songs.
“There’s talk of us putting a best-of out next year and then we’ll start touring on that,” Williams says.
“It’s a bit of a luxury, really, after putting out four albums but we’re going to write some new songs for it or have a look at some of the material we’ve already got.”
For those who missed the band’s recent east coast tour, all is not lost. The band had planned a more extensive tour of Australia, which would take in all major cities and, despite this having fallen through, Williams says the band will return to Australia next year – following the release of Doves’ best-of and perhaps a live experience for fans to own for themselves, in the form of a live album.
“We might do that as well, seeing as how we’ve recorded every single gig on the UK tour,” he says.
“There is talk of a live album. But we’ll be back in Australia for a more extensive tour – possibly for the best-of.”
Interesting news! Personally, I think a greatest hits album/tour is great news for next year! The band deserve to go out and celebrate the past decade of hard work, which brought us four brilliant albums.
The debate begins, what needs to go on the greatest hits lp..
Fantastic photo-blog, Keri’s Vancouver Concert Photos has posted some great pictures from Doves’ recent show at Vancouver’s Commodore Ballroom. Visit the blog by clicking here, to view the collection.
Incidentally, Keri has also noted that Doves’ ‘Pounding’ has been used as the soundtrack to a Canadian TV advert promoting the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics.