Lincoln Live Review today put up a positive review of the Lincoln Engine Shed show, though apparently the crowd were a bit crap..

In recent shows the Doves have been kicking their set list with ‘Jetstream’ but tonight is different, tonight is gearing up for the big one and they kick off with a perfect rendition of ‘House Of Mirrors’ flowed quickly through into ‘Caught By The River’ showcasing that the band are equally comfortable with both their new and old material. Sadly it seems that the crowd is somewhat less enthusiastic, and yet the band still carry on with hit after a hit (and with that I’m not saying a no1, just a quality tune). ‘Pounding’ sounds so immense and then ’10:03′ gives Jimi Goodwin a chance to bellow his vocals out over the music, which sounds effortless.

Yet there is still nothing from the subdued Lincoln crowd, but that doesn’t seem to deter this Manc trio as they finish off their set with a bit of a surprise in the shape of ‘The Cedar Room’ and after this lack luster reaction from the crowd you wonder if the Jimi and friends are actually going to come back and do the encore?

To read the full review, click here.

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