splitting up

The big issue in the north

Doves are featuring in the 29 March to 4 April of the Big Issue in the North Magazine. Feature on the front cover (could not find a picture so far) and a 2 side article about “Doves. At peace with temselves, in our music special”

Jimi reflects on songs on ‘the places between’ and also recalls the long way they’ve come from. Jimi also is thinking back to the struggles while recording Kingdom of Rust. In the magazine it states: Today he’s (Jimi) more positive for the future, stating – if not exactly confidently then at least hopefully – that there’ll be one more studio record before the band consider calling it a day.
Looks like the recent rumours about doves splitting up were only hot air, fingers crossed.

Hot Air!

So that Hot Press yesterday had allot of us going. But fear not as Andy has had his say over at the official forum..

I’d just like to reassure you all that we’re definitely not splitting up & this is definitely
not our farewell tour!!

So there you have it! Great news, though that was quite the jump made by Hot Press! I doubt this blog will be flagging up any further “news” from that lot again.

To read the rest of what Andy had to say about the article and what doves are doing right now, head over to the official forum.

All Quiet For Now

Not a great deal going on. Though as expected, the persistent rumours of the band splitting up has been laughed off this week by the band. So we can put that one to bed.

The band return to the live stage next weekend at Bingley, for the start of a fairly busy month playing the end of summer festival circut.

Fans of Elbow may be interested to learn that they have been doing some work this summer in doves Chesire barn.

Also with a connection to doves, Cherry Ghost are playing some live shows again in September. I can’t wait for the follow up to the stunning Thirst For Romance. I will probably flag up news of the album release as it becomes available. If you haven’t checked them out, visit the Cherry Ghost myspace here.