
02 Academy Glasgow

Once again Glasgow did not disappoint. Of the four shows I caught on the tour, this was by far the best of the lot. Up their with one of the best Doves shows I’ve seen. Both band and crowd were brilliant. An unscheduled performance of Spaceface topped the night off. Cherry Ghost earlier opened playing all new songs to an appreciative audience.

Glasgow Evening Times Preview

Video: The Cedar Room

Support: Cherry Ghost




Not a whole lot going on..

As you probably guessed, not a great deal going on in doves world. I have been enjoying the Delphic record. Great news for those of us at the wrong side of the pond, Delphic have been anounced to play Coachella so here’s hoping for a few more shows stateside.

Doves are mentioned in today’s Guardian write up on Delphic and other new Manchester based bands. Hope to catch Delphic (doves would be nice too….) at this year’s Lollapalooza festival here in Chicago.

Cherry Ghost have also put up some new tunes in unmixed form up on the myspace page. Black Fang sounded great live last year, could be a single I reckon?

I see Hooky is opening up a new club in Manchester. FAC251 opens up next month. I wonder what the chances of a doves gig there? Spaceface opener! Would make allot of sense with the history and all. But just pure speculation on my part!!

Manchester Central Setlist


Where We’re Calling From
House Of Mirrors
Kingdom Of Rust
Greatest Denier
Black And White Town
Caught By The River

The Cedar Room
Here It Comes
Last Broadcast
The Fear


The NME were at the gig. A wee review up on the site:

The band treated fans to a career-spanning set at the venue formerly known as G-Mex and admitted the enormity of the show was “overwhelming”.

Tracks from their most recent album ‘Kingdom Of Rust’ such as ’10:03′ were mixed in with fan favourites ‘Black And White Town’ and ‘Snowden’.

Meanwhile, the band were joined by the London Bulgarian Choir for a number of songs, such as ‘Cedar Room’ and ‘Firesuite’

Introducing ‘Pounding’, singer Jimi Goodwin told the crowd: “Let’s make the G-Mex shudder and shake like the old days.”

He later thanked fans for their support over their decade-spanning career.

“This is the biggest crowd we’ve ever played to in out hometown, it means a fucking lot. Merry Christmas.”.

Manchester Central Spaceface Video

Really good video of Spaceface as captured by Radiosjohn, who you may recall got some great footage earlier in the year at the Academy show. Notice the big fancy camera rig going back and forth, lets hope the footage sees light of day someday soon.

Manchester Central

Pictured tweeted by @tsimmonds

Doves finished off the year in style with a massive hometown show at Manchester Central (though will always be the gmex!) The band reunited with the London Bulgarian choir for some of the set (Firesuite, The Cedar Room among others). They finished the set with Spaceface. More as I have it.

Sub Sub

The response to yesterday’s Senana post was pretty good, cheers to those of you who wrote. Got a number of requests for the Sub Sub albums & tracks such as Spaceface. I wont be uploading the albums sorry. The band may decide to release these someday, so out of respect for that, I wont ever be sharing those on the blog. Though to be honest, there not that hard to find online anyways.

Spaceface is available to buy on the Hacienda Classics compilation album (pictured) that was released a few years back. Available to buy at all good CD/online mp3 stores.

Tracks such as Ain’t No Love & Past are also available to buy on various CDs/download stores.

Ok back to present day doves.. A few of you have noticed I started a Picasa gallery. Its very much an early work in progress, but your welcome to take a look.

Bingley Video

As promised, Gibbo has uploaded the video of 10.03 he shot at Bingley on Saturday night. Pretty good quality it is too!

For those of you who asked, My bad for not adding to the setlist post yesterday that the track played at the end was Spaceface.

Doves Celebrate Anniversary Of Moon Landing

Buzz Aldrin walks on the surface of the Moon Photograph: Neil Armstrong/Corbis

We just got this in from the band, it does not get much cooler than this:

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the moon landing, doves were invited to Jodrell Bank, the Cheshire based Centre for Astrophysics last Thursday. Where they attempted to bounce notes from Jez’s guitar off the moon! The signal was sent from a dish in Cambridge and was to be picked up by the lovell telescope at Jodrell Bank.

Unfortunately they couldn’t align the dishes whilst the band were there. But yesterday, Dr Tim O’Brien successfully sent and received the signals. Which is believed to be a world first!

More as we have it. How cool is that?

Kinda related bit regarding Jodrell Bank from an interview the band did with back in April.

So, Jodrell Bank –that’s fucking brilliant isn’t it? I used to love going there when I was a kid.

Jimi: “The first thing we ever did as Sub Sub, ‘Space Face’, had Jodrell Bank on the cover. It’s like our spiritual home. You can see it from here and from our studio. We were there for three months before I realised you could see it. I was out the back having a fag and I was like ‘It’s fucking Jodrell Bank, man.'”

Andy: “Every time I went out for a drive to get away from the studios I’d always end up there.”

Jodrell Bank tracked the Russian Luna 9 probe to the moon’s surface and received the first facsimile photo from the surface. They ended up doing it because the Russians were about to launch this thing but then realised that they could send something to the moon but they didn’t have a telescope strong enough to track it and receive messages from the surface. They couldn’t ask the Americans obviously . . .

Andy: “It’s amazing. It’s about 50 years old now but when it was first built it must have been like ‘What the fuck is that thing?'”

Jimi: “I like it as well because it represents that 1950s vision of the future, that shining steel and massive design from the golden age of flying and space travel. Future retro. It reminds you of a time when it was your ambition to fly. Now you daren’t mention that you flew to get to a concert.”

Delamere Forest Videos

It looks like the crowd were really into last night’s show:

More videos at radiosjohn youtube channel, which includes full videos of The Greatest Denier, Words, Spaceface and more. Go here.

Professional cameras were spotted at the show. So lets hope the show ends up on DVD.

Spaceface In DC

Sounds like it was a great night in Washington DC. Setlist below, thanks to friend of the blog, NLF.

You can add Spaceface to the setlist! First time on the US tour. Must have been a good one. Reviews as we get them.