Photo Comp Winners

You may recall last year ran a photo competition. The band picked out a couple winners, head over to the official doves website forum to see news of the competition winners. The band have made full use of the pictures on the new look site, so even if you didn’t win, your picture may be featured on the site.

Oxegen On MTV This Weekend

Thanks to Gerry for letting us know that MTV & VH1 in Ireland are showing highlights of the recent Oxegen festival. We don’t know if or when doves are featured. But if you do manage to catch a bit of doves, let us know! Would love to see it.

The good folks at the official doves website have put up a link to us on the site. So if is always your first port of call, you can click the fan site link on the main nav bar to find us. Or indeed if you visit us first, as always just click the doves soul image for a direct link to

Finally, for those of you who have emailed me recently asking if I know when doves will be back in your town, sorry I don’t have any info. As soon as any new dates (if any!) are announced, you will see them here. Sorry for lack of personal replies, has been a busy few weeks for myself. I suggest you keep checking back, or keep an eye on doves board.

Just a quick note to point out the blog now has a much easier to remember domain name. We are now You don’t have to do a thing, google does all the work for you. Just wanted to put that out there.

Its been a pleasure serving for the past few weeks. But the wait is over. The new official doves website is now online. Go take a look at new

Fan Photo Competition

The fan photo competition deadline has been extended until is back online. So you have a wee while to get your entry in! Have a go, you wont get a better chance to be able to photograph doves from the press pit and backstage. How cool would that be? All the details you need are below.

From The Front Row | Exclusive Fan Photo Competition

We’re not necessarily looking for photos of the band playing live (although those would be great too!) more of photos that sum up the essence of going to a Doves gig. If that’s a picture of you and your mates waiting with anticipation (and beer) for the gig to begin or of the crowd around you pogoing along to ‘Pounding’ then that’s absolutely spot-on. What we’re planning to do is put together a gallery of images that best sum up the touring experience of ‘Kingdom of Rust’ so far.

But that’s not all. Oh, no. For Jimi, Jez & Andy will then pick one single image which they like the best and that lucky photographer will win the chance to photograph the band from the press pit and backstage on one of the band’s forthcoming UK tour dates. How’s that for a competition prize? Pretty nifty, huh?!

To enter the competition all you need to do is send your photos (maximum of 5 photos per person) to the following email address ( is not looking for the most professional shots. As long as it fills the oh-so-simple criteria of summing up the spirit of a Doves gig then it’s good for us!

If you have landed here via, you will have noticed the site looks a bit different. Due to unforeseen circumstances, doves have been left without a website. A new site is in the process of being put together. We are delighted and honoured to have been asked to help out until the new site goes live.

So if this is your first time on doves music blog, welcome! Those of you who have followed the blog, its business as usual.

You can visit doves official message board here.

On Sunday doves will be appearing at the Hop Farm festival in Kent. If you are attending and you fancy writing a review for the blog, we would love to hear from you. You can email us your review here. Enjoy the festival!


Check out for the first part of an interview with Andy & Jez about the tour setlist. Interesting stuff. They will also talk about the controversial omission of The Cedar Room! I’m looking forward to reading that one.

The Radio One Chart Blog reviews Kingdom Of Rust.

Metro have got a cool piece about doves up online. Check it out..

Doves are still reaching for the skies

For a different take on the London show last week. Check out the Times review of the show..

Doves at the Forum NW5

Personally, I’d be more than happy to listen to U2 without Bono…


Check out the official site for the first of a series of interviews with the band. Today its Andy answering questions about the reaction of the early shows on the current mini tour. Click the doves logo to straight to the interview.

A cracking read. Looking forward to the next installment.