cover album project

Echoes In The Alleyway

I asked you all to vote for the title of the cover album project. Over 400 of you voted and by one vote seriously.. the winning title is Echoes In The Alleyway.

Echoes In The Alleyway: A Tribute To Doves will hopefully be available to download early October. All the artists have been given a deadline, then we will go from there. I have had a few folk ask this past week if they can still take part. You can, but the deadline of September 1st to get the music to me will not change.

Expect lots more news on the album over the coming weeks. The album will have its own microsite which should launch sometime later this month.

Cover Album Update

As you would expect, bugger all to report in Doves world. The fans cover album is coming along nicely. I have received several tracks already, they sound great. Its a fantastic start to the project!

If you haven’t already, you can vote for the album title here. Its very tight with Echoes In The Alleyway leading the way, 6 votes ahead of Where They’re Calling From. The poll will run until the end of the month.

My favourite Doves cover is probably their take on Blackbird. Which you can listen to here, if you haven’t heard it before. I listed a bunch of tracks doves have covered in the past at the discography here. Feel free to let me know if I missed any off! Not included are the tracks that made onto releases such as Willow Song.

Cover Album Project: Album Title

Thanks to you all who have shown an interest in the cover album project. What first started off as a drunken idea after a Doves show, is now going to happen! Deadlines have been set, the project is now well underway. Even if you are not recording music, you can still be of help. I have had a ton of suggestions for the album title. So I have put all the ideas to a poll, just pick your favourite.. Its not too late to make a suggestion for the title if you have a good one.. I will accept ideas until the weekend so that I can update the poll one last time.

Final Call

If you are interested in taking part in the cover album project, I will be accepting entries until late Monday night Chicago time at Then next Wednesday I will be in contact with you all who have registered interest, so that we can move forward with the project.

To answer a few questions I have recieved… Yes you can cover Sub Sub if you do so wish. Female vocals are fine, in fact this is encouraged! No CDs will be pressed/sold. This is purely a not for profit fan project. A free download will be available via a microsite with the option to make a donation direct to a Manchester based charity. At the moment, I’m looking at putting this out late September/October time.

Thanks to doves board, I have some fantastic album titles to choose from. I will put these to the vote next week. If you have any suggestions for the album title, please let me know. Otherwise cheers for the support on this, I didn’t expect it to take off like it has.

Cover Album Project Update

Firstly a big thanks to all of you who have wrote in wanting to be involved, the response has been overwhelming! Thanks allot guys.

Right now I have enough tracks to make this project worth doing, so it is full steam ahead. Don’t let that put you off. If you want to be involved I’m going to leave this open until next Monday for you to register your interest. Then we will be getting on with setting a deadline for putting the tracks together and all that stuff. The more the merrier!

So far favourites such as There Goes The Fear, Caught By The River, Here It Comes or Snowden have not been picked yet..

Cover Album Project

In the last post I floated the idea of putting together a Doves cover album, not quite sure if there would be any interest. That was only a few hours ago and the response already has been pretty good. So let’s make this happen…

Like similar projects done by fans of other bands, the album would be not for profit. I’m thinking of looking into the possibly going with a charity where we could put up an optional donation link so any money goes straight to that charity. But otherwise this will be a free download for everybody to enjoy.

So if you are interested, email me at to register your interest, if you can let me know which track you would like to cover, so we can avoid having say three versions of There Goes The Fear. You do not need to have the cover ready now, but if you do already have something to submit that is cool also. Once I know how many tracks we have, I will starting putting out more details such as a deadline etc.

The album will have artwork/sleeve notes so we can put some info on that about each track/artist. If you have any questions do feel free to get in touch at