First Impressions:
-The title track, equally as difficult to pin down as its greater whole, proves a worthy selection for Kingdom of Rust‘s lead single. At once eerie and moving, this one is a classic Doves epic.
-Ever-morphing, yet consistently memorable, the guitar lines on “The Greatest Denier” prove the oxygen for a track that is quite solid in every aspect.
-“House Of Mirrors”: A real highlight. The verse feels like a musical standoff (perhaps recalling The Animals), which breaks into a chorus that is kinetic and complements the built-up tension.
Key Tracks:
“Kingdom Of Rust”, “The Greatest Denier”, “House of Mirrors”
If the advance offering of energetic opener, “Jetstream”, whet your appetite (as it did ours), then you can expect a record chocked with material of equal caliber [In case you missed it, the lead track is available at]. All in all, Kingdom of Rust is a very strong return to form for Doves, four long years removed from 2005’s Lost Cities. The wait was worth it.